Wednesday, 10 June 2020

RV design

This is my RV design, my hole sindiket is designing these RV's for our class's and who ever wins get a laler 3 rv's and if you are confused let me tell you all about ohh an P.S it might be a bit long so yea ok we am ooh that's right layer 1 layer 1 is if you get 4 rv's you can chose  to other to cash them in or keep them and work your way up to the next target so if you get 4 you can have a chocolate or a lec block and then if you get 12 RV's you get a free block so you don't have to do learning, last then if you get 20 you get a day of school well for a little bit really you can like go to the pools go get some food what ever you have in mind so this is why i have design my RV.

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

All about me 2020

we were learning about  making sure our online information is not public when is personal

I found it really hard to know about what to share and what not to share and keep things privet.

I found it really easy to create the image of me as i have done the kind things before.

Next time, i will take more time to craft my writing to ensure me vocabulary and sentence structures reflect on my writing leavle.